Become an Advocate

Please sign up below to opt into important communications about Walgreens government relations efforts at the federal, state, and local level.

Sign up below to opt into Together Walgreens! Participation is completely voluntary and unpaid, and whether or not you decide to participate will not impact your employment in any way.

We need an email address to sign you up!

If the Work Email field below populates with an email address, great! That means we have one on file and you're good to go -- just click "Sign me up" below.

If the field is blank, please enter an email address where we can contact you. This address will be securely stored and will only be used for purposes within the scope of the Walgreens advocacy program.

WalgreensPAC Opt-In

If you are interested in learning about WalgreensPAC, the other component of our advocacy program, please check the box to below to receive future emails. If not, leave the check box blank -- you will still be registered for Together Walgreens.


© 2020 Walgreen Co.