​​Welcome to Together Walgreens!

If you're wondering what exactly Together Walgreens is, that's okay! You are in the right place to find out. Let's start with a quick video:

To summarize: This is the Walgreens grassroots advocacy program. We are working to develop a community of employee advocates (like you!) to help affect policy changes at all levels of government.

What do you get out of this? We have two goals for advocates in the Together Walgreens program:

    • Inform you on legislation and policies that affects you, your work, your customers, and your colleagues
    • Give you the tools to engage directly with decisions makers in goverment on the issues that matter most
What are we asking of you? Not much, really: An email address where we can contact you, the patience to follow along with our updates, and the occasional willingness to wield the might of your experience and expertise to educate lawmakers on the issues that impact you on a daily basis.

Please note: Participation in Together Walgreens is completely voluntary and unpaid. Whether or not you decide to participate in the program will not impact your employment in any way.

If you haven't already, head over to our sign-up page and join the program. We look forward to working with you all to champion the health and wellbeing of every community in America!


© 2020 Walgreen Co.